Sunday, November 18, 2007

Changing of Seasons...

I went out last week to a local bird sanctuary and wildlife preserve to see if I could capture some of the waning moments of autumn's foliage. It's interesting to me—being a nature photographer, but not a naturalist—how the brilliant golden hues of maple trees hang on the longest, seemingly every fall. The beautiful crimson, pink, and orange maples have long since dropped their leaves. Yet as the first light snows befall us, and winter is whispering in the shadows, the deep shades of yellow seem to shine their best at this late time in the fall.

To be fair, however, the world is not completely bathed in yellow. Burning bushes are also resiliently holding fast to their leaves, which are a beautiful deep shade of red this time of year.

Beyond the last remnants of a colorful fall, I was able to also spot a white goose within the bird sanctuary. At least this is what a bird photographer told me it was. The little fella cooperated enough so as to let me zoom in on him and get a nice close up. I have no idea if this bird is a goose of some sort or not. My research on a few bird websites didn't shed much insight on the situation either. Perhaps if someone knows, they'll be so kind as to leave a response in the comments section.

So now I'm gazing out my window as the rising sun glistens against a fresh dusting of snow, and I can't help but think that maybe, despite it traditionally being a gray season of cold and death, that perhaps this winter will have its own nostalgic beauty. I can hardly wait to see what winter-time photo opps await me. The gallery at Studio 85 will be growing this season.
To order any prints featured in this entry, or to see more from Studio 85's gallery, visit the Studio 85 homepage.

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